Useful Information

72-75,RED LION STREET,London,United Kingdom Email:
Gem Hotels | London Luxury hotels


Gem Hotels


At Gem Hotels, we recognise the importance of proactive engagement and the role we have to play in managing the constantly changing social, economic and environmental issues within our local communities.
Our business approach is grounded in beliefs which seek to integrate and maintain practices that promote positive contribution to local life whilst finding innovative ways to minimise the environmental impact on the communities in which we operate.
Central to this strategy is the strength of the ongoing relationship that Gem Hotels continues to develop with its employees, guests, partners, and stakeholders. Gem Hotels places responsibility at the core of what we do and focuses that into four key areas.
  • Gem Hotels prides itself on the exemplary values and standards that it sets whilst establishing a process whereby illegal unethical behaviour can be freely reported and quickly addressed.

    We make sure that we use our skills and experience to provide products and services of a high exacting standard rightfully expected by our clients while continually striving to reduce the impact we have on the natural environment and communities in which we conduct business.

    We set ourselves high standards in the way we serve our customers. On the occasions that we regrettably fail, we have in place a complaints policy to ensure that clients’ concerns are dealt with efficiently, swiftly and fairly to find a resolution that best solves the situation.

    Believing in a partnership approach to supply chain relations, we endeavour to use fair and transparent procurement methods while ensuring that payments are made promptly and supplier complaints are reviewed efficiently to find a mutually consensual resolution.

    Our overriding aim is to raise, with clients, the awareness of responsible business practice in our industry and elsewhere while helping to facilitate a change in approach to minimise impact on the natural environment and communities in which we operate.
  • As a group we are committed to a policy of equal opportunities and fairness within the workplace. We are proud of and value the diversity of our colleagues, customers, stakeholders, and those living within our local communities.

    Gem Hotels have procedures in place whereby employees and others can raise their views or concerns freely and without fear. We strive to engage our employees in all major changes and issues that will affect both the working environment and the company itself.

    Moreover we place great importance on providing a safe and secure working environment where the health and welfare of our staff is of paramount importance. Further to this position we recognise the importance and benefit to the company in the continuing development of our staff to which end we do our best to provide all staff with support, training and the opportunities to grow within their potential. We look for those that achieve the best they can through appraisals based not just on results but how those results were achieved and will reward all who strive to excel and exceed in their roles.

    We are proud of the wide range of backgrounds from which we recruit and embrace those talented individuals who bring their own areas of experience and help to build and develop our areas of business.

    We also look to purchase goods, services, and develop facilities which reflect our policies on equality and diversity. We apply our policies across the board and ensure that suppliers from diverse communities have equal opportunity in tendering for contracts. We expect our suppliers in turn to comply with and support our efforts to spread good practice in diversity and equal opportunities.
    Gem Hotels has for a long time believed that businesses are responsible for the health of the environments in which we do business. To this end we place great emphasis on developing strong environmental practices and operating all parts of our business in a sustainable and responsible manner.

    We are strongly committed to reducing our environmental impact and strive to reduce our carbon footprint in all the communities where we operate. Continually reviewing and improving our environmental performance is key within our strategic development. We are constantly on the lookout for new and innovative ways in which to meet our high environmentally-friendly targets.

    We aim to achieve this by doing the following:
    • Minimise consumption of natural resources through the use of modern technologies to reduce our reliance on non-renewable sources (this involves the potential use of solar panels, bore holes, ‘green roofs’, HVAC systems, and Combined Heat and Power Systems).
    • Waste reduction through the encouraging of re-use and recycling as well as the limiting of environmentally hazardous materials where alternatives are economically suitable.
    • The incorporation of environmental considerations into procurement decisions to drive our collective impact on the environment.
    • We encourage all our staff and customers to do all they can to help reduce environmental impact of modern business, including showing how to use environmentally sensitive transport methods where possible.

    We regularly review our environmental policies and continually evolve them to make sure we are doing our best not just to lower our impact on the environments in which we work but also to enlighten others within our industry in the ways we can all reduce businesses impact on the environment wherever we happen to be.
  • Statement on Slavery and Human Trafficking
    Gem Hotels are committed to improving our procedures to combat slavery and human trafficking both within our own business and that of our supply chains. As part of our due diligence processes we shall make enquiries with all new suppliers as to the mechanisms they have in place to combat slavery and human trafficking and we will require all new suppliers to express their commitment to comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

    Organisation's Structure
    We are a collection of private luxury hotels located in London. We have circa 250 employees and primarily operate within the UK.

    Our Policies
    We have a zero tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking and we are committed to ensuring that it has no presence in our supply chains or in any part of our business. We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place.

    Our internal policies and employment procedures are reviewed regularly to ensure compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Particular policies relevant to the combating of modern slavery and human trafficking include our Procurement Policy (which establishes our supplier selection methodology) and Whistleblowing Policy (designed to encourage and protect any member of staff who wishes to raise any concerns related to the activities of the firm).

    Due Diligence Processes
    Our recruitment processes are transparent and reviewed regularly. We communicate directly with candidates to discuss job opportunities and to confirm the details of any offer made and work only with reputable recruitment businesses. We have robust procedures in place for the vetting of new employees and ensure that we are able to confirm their identities and that they are paid directly into an appropriate, personal bank account.

    We have fairly extensive supplier relationships. Each outsourced service supplier is carefully considered as are other suppliers when awarding or renewing business. We review our suppliers on a regular basis and have committed to work with organisations who share our values. We monitor and review the controls undertaken by our suppliers and now require, from our key suppliers, a regular if not an annual statement of their commitment to our Supplier Code of Conduct.
    We are conscious that imported products or services sourced from outside the UK or EU are potentially more at risk of slavery or human trafficking issues. If products have to be sourced from such locations, we will look to those suppliers who can demonstrate a commitment to human rights and fair working conditions.
    We will not work with any supplier organisation that has been found to have been knowingly involved in either human trafficking or modern slavery.

    To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, we provide training to relevant staff as part of their induction and provide refresher training as appropriate.

    Our Supply Chains
    We have long standing relationships with our supply chains the majority of whom also operate within the UK but we do contract with suppliers from or whom operate in other jurisdictions.

    Our Effectiveness in Combating Slavery and Human Trafficking
    We shall undertake annual review of the effectiveness of the steps we have taken to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains with a view to identifying further steps that we can take.
    This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes the slavery and human trafficking statement of Gem Hotels.
    The statement has been approved by the Directors who will review and update it as necessary on an annual basis.
  • Gem Hotels believe it is our responsibility to engage the communities in which we work through investment and development. Learn more